3D ball tracker
This page contains information on how to build, set up and run PF3DTracker, the particle-filter-based 3D ball tracker. The page is in the process of being written, so it's very incomplete and the information you find on it might be inaccurate.
Get the source code
The source code of the tracker is not in the iCub repository at the moment, I need to make sure it can be built on Windows before I commit it. Send me a mail at mtaiana at isr*ist*utl*pt and I'll give you the code.
Build the tracker
Build the tracker on Linux
Build the tracker on Windows
Sorry, I don't know how to do that so far.
Fix $PF3DTracker/conf/Find_IPP.cmake
Turn image size into a parameter loaded at start time
Turn the number of particles into a parameter loaded at start time
Get rid of IPP dependency, using OpenCV
Build the tracker on Windows
Start writing a wiki-based tutorial
Theoretical foundations of the tracker
If you want to know more on the theoretical ideas behind the tracker, please have a look at the papers on this page: [1].
Demo videos
If you want to watch videos and evaluate the performance of the tracker, please have a loot at this page: [2].