Robotics lab resources
This page contains information regarding the undergrad course Robotics at Instituto Superior Técnico. This is NOT the course official page (which can be found here looking up for Robótica).
ROB3/TR5 robotic arm
Interface with MATLAB
The latest version of the software (developed in house) can be found here: Media:Matlab rob3
Application interface
- serial_port_start()
- initializes the serial port, returning an object referencing it
In the following functions, the argument sp corresponds to this serial port object
- rob3_init(sp)
- initializes the arm, returning a (meaningless) integer
- rob3_move_joint(sp,n,x)
- moves joint n to angular position x
- rob3_move_joints(sp,v)
- moves all 6 joints to the positions defined by the vector v (1x6)
- rob3_read_joint(sp,n)
- reads the angular position of joint n, returning a vector [64+joint-1, position, 3]
- rob3_read_joints(sp)
- reads the angular position of all joints, returning a vector [71, position_1, ..., position_6, 3]