Alexandre Bernardino

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Welcome to my wiki page. It is so much easier to use mediawiki than html that I'm no longer supporting my old web page.

I'm an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering at IST, the Faculty of Engineering in the Technical University of Lisbon. Also, I'm a researcher at ISR-Lisboa, the Institute for Systems and Robotics, and co-coordinator of VisLab, the Computer and Robot Vision Laboratory.

I teach on the scientific area of decision systems and control, in courses involving signal and image processing, automation and robotics, modeling and control, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Check my TEACHING page for additional information.

My main research interests focus on the application of computer vision, cognitive science, control theory and machine learning to advanced robotic and surveillance systems. I've published works on foveal sensors, visual attention and stereo, image feature extraction, binocular head control, image based tracking and identification, learning object affordances, sensorimotor coordination, human activity recognition, among other topics. Check my PUBLICATIONS page for the complete list.

I have been participating in many national and international projects involving both academic and industrial partners. The topics include Humanoid Robots, Service Robots, Surveillance Systems, Dexterous Manipulation, Traffic Monitoring, Modeling Mirror Neurons, among others. Check my PROJECTS page for more details.

Contact me if you are interested in working in some of these topics.

Alexandre Bernardino

ISR/IST - Torre Norte, 7º - Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa. Portugal

Tel. +351-218418293, Fax. +351-218418291

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