Innovation Days 2009
In this page we explain how we took care of Chico during the Innovation Days 2009 exhibition that occurred in FIL (Lisbon International Fairgrounds) from 18 to 20 June 2009.
EuroNews talked about the event:
Note: please refer to the iCub demos article for up-to-date instructions about managing Chico. This page is obsolete!
SIFT Object Detection and Tracking demo
Ignore this for now, as some libraries are not compiling. [controlGaze2 COMPILATION TO BE FIXED ON THE SERVERS - PROBLEMS WITH EGOSPHERELIB_LIBRARIES and PREDICTORS_LIBRARIES]
- cameras are running
- iCubInterface is running at /icub/head (in order to read encoder values)
On any machine, run:
$ICUB_ROOT/app/$ICUB_ROBOTNAME/scripts/ $ICUB_ROOT/app/$ICUB_ROBOTNAME/scripts/attentionObjects/noEgoSetup/
On any machine (preferably one of the icubbrains, at this task is computationally heavy) type:
If you want to change the configuration, do:
nano -w $ICUB_DIR/app/$ICUB_ROBOTNAME/conf/icubEyes.ini
Attention system demo
- /icub/cam/right is running at 320x240 pixels
- iCubInterface is running at /icub/head
Please note: we will run all the modules of this demo on icubbrain1 (64bit), unless specified differently.
Start the following module:
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts ./
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts/ ./
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts ./
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts ./
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts/ ./
And finally, but this time on chico3:
cd $ICUB_ROOT/app/attentionDistributed/scripts ./
Press 'check all ports and connections', followed by pressing '>>' buttons (becoming green), in all the tabs of the GUI.
Now, in the 'Salience Right' tab of the GUI, press 'Initialize interface' and move the thresholds a bit (e.g., the 'intensity' one).