Home Automation

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Revision as of 11:50, 14 October 2014 by John Mdz (talk | contribs) (→‎Usage)
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This page presents instructions and software for our Home Automated Devices. The devices and network are installed in the LRM lab in the 8th floor and it is part of a mock-up apartment.


Software can be found in https://github.com/joaocgreis/roah_devices Instructions regarding this software inside.


Our network includes:

  • 1 light dimmer in the living room;
  • 2 on/off switches in the bedroom;
  • 1 motor controlling the blinds in the living room;
  • 1 bell near the door
  • 1 IP camera near the door
  • 2 IP 360º cams on top of the scenario (might not be available)


In order to use the devices one needs to be connected to the network in the 8th floor. You should also have an static IP in the range 192.168.1.XX (do NOT choose the 56).

A diagram of the network is presented next:
