ICub machines configuration/Archive

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Revision as of 13:17, 12 February 2015 by Giovanni Saponaro (talk | contribs) (archive obsolete "Poeticon software" page content)
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Go back to the iCub machines configuration page.

Operating system installation

Operations after first boot

  • choose Main server (rather than Portugal server, which is not always reliable) as the software repository:
    • on desktop machines, System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories -> Download from: Main server
    • on server machines, remove all the "pt." strings from /etc/apt/sources.list with the following command: sudo sed -i 's/pt.//g' sources.list

Other operations

Environment variables

  • Create a file called ~/.bash_env (used by both interactive and non-interactive sessions, such as commands launched via yarprun from another machine) like this one:
 export YARP_ROOT=/home/icub/yarp2
 export YARP_DIR=$YARP_ROOT/build
 export ICUB_ROOT=/home/icub/iCub
 export ICUB_DIR=$ICUB_ROOT/main/build
 export PATH=$PATH:$YARP_DIR/bin:$ICUB_DIR/bin
 export ICUB_ROBOTNAME=iCubLisboa01 # only for machines that connect to the real robot
 export IPOPT_DIR=/home/icub/Ipopt-3.10.0 # only for servers (IK solver)
 source $YARP_ROOT/scripts/yarp_completion  

If you need software from icub-contrib (most likely you don't, as most of that repository has been migrated to GitHub), some lines need to be added or changed:

export ICUBcontrib_DIR=$code/icub-contrib-common/build
export PATH=$PATH:$YARP_DIR/bin:$ICUB_DIR/bin:$ICUBcontrib_DIR/bin
export YARP_DATA_DIRS=$YARP_DIR/share/yarp:$ICUB_DIR/share/iCub:$ICUBcontrib_DIR/share/ICUBcontrib
  • Then, before the following line of /etc/bash.bashrc
  [ -z "$PS1" ] && return

add this:

  # per-user environment variables (non-interactive and interactive mode)
  source $HOME/.bash_env

Subversion (older versions)

For security, uncomment (thus enabling) the following parameter in /etc/subversion/config:

 store-passwords = no

This implies that SVN will ask you for your password every time you do a commit, as opposed to storing it in plain text on the system. (Don't worry about changing your personal ~/.subversion/config file: the parameter is not actually set there, so the global /etc setting is used.)

Additional software


Manual compilation

This is needed for some iCub vision modules (e.g. motionCUT, stereo-vision). Instructions:

  • download TBB Source, make
  • download OpenCV 2.4.3 or higher, CMake, set WITH_TBB=ON and insert the paths obtained with the TBB compilation, such as
  • compile OpenCV
  • set OpenCV_DIR to the path of OpenCV-x.y.z/build, for example:
export OpenCV_DIR=$code/OpenCV-2.4.3/build

If the above fails, try BUILD_TBB=ON (i.e. automatically "Download and build TBB from source"). More information about TBB support in the latest OpenCV here.

Possible problems with manual compilation

error: ‘ptrdiff_t’ does not name a type

Solution: edit OpenCV-x.y.z/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp, add #include <stddef.h>

fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory


sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
cd /usr/include/linux
sudo ln -s ../libv4l1-videodev.h videodev.h

undefined reference to `cvCreateCameraCapture_V4L(int)'

Solution: see here (including the change suggested in the comments)

error: ‘AVERROR_NUMEXPECTED’ was not declared in this scope

Solution: apply the two patches located here with the following commands.

patch -p1 < ffmpeg_build.patch
# when asked for which file to patch, give the full path to OpenCV-x.y.z/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp
patch -p1 < ffmpeg_build_2.patch
# ditto

error: ‘av_rescale_q’ was not declared in this scope

Solution: edit OpenCV-x.y.z/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp, add #include <libavutil/mathematics.h> before #include <ffmpeg/avcodec.h> (source)

error: #error The Eigen/Array header does no longer exist in Eigen3. All that functionality has moved to Eigen/Core.

Solution: apply the patch located here with the following commands.

patch -p1 < diff.txt
# when asked for which file to patch, give the full path to OpenCV-x.y.z/modules/features2d/src/matchers.cpp

No rule to make target `/usr/lib/python3.0/config/', needed by `lib/'.

Solution: ccmake ., toggle advanced options (press 't'), set

PYTHON_LIBRARY /usr/lib/python2.7/config/

error: ‘avformat_free_context’ was not declared in this scope

Solution: remove any manually installed ffmpeg version, then

sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev

POETICON++ software

From June 2012, the iCub software was upgraded with the Poeticon system demonstrations. The following machines were updates: PC104, icubbrain1, icubbrain2, chico2 (windows), chico3, chico4.

  • Machine chico2 runs Windows. Binary installers were downloaded from the iCub site (YARP installer and iCub installer). When running the installers, select only the dependencies and not the main libraries (yarp and iCub). Then download and install from svn source the iCub and Yarp repositories. Then the CSLU Toolkit was installed for speech recognition.
  • Machines in linux (all the others) now have the repository in /usr/local/robot