Ubuntu Server 8.04 Installation
On 2009-05-21, we installed Ubuntu Server 8.04 'Hardy Heron' on a brand new 4GB Flash IDE memory.
First of all, we changed the BIOS setting First Boot Device to: USB-CDROM. We had a Ubuntu Server 8.04 CD inside the drive. (It is apparently possible to boot and install directly from a Flash memory, but a CDROM installation is easier.)
Here is our configuration on Ubuntu Server 8.04:
- hostname: pc104
- automatic partitioning (which will partition the 4GB drive into an ext3 and a swap partition)
- username: icub
- no HTTP proxy
- software selection: OpenSSH (which includes scp to copy files among machines), nothing else
After a while, the CDROM will eject automatically. Remove it and, after reboot, change the BIOS setting First Boot Device to the old setting, which is:
- Primary Boot Device: Hard Disk
- Second Boot Device: Disabled
- Third Boot Device: Disabled
At this point we have a minimal Linux system (474MB).
Change the IP to by editing /etc/network/interfaces in the following way:
auto lo iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway
Add the following lines in /etc/hosts (besides the already-existing lines): chico2 cortex1 cortex2 cortex3 cortex4 cortex5 cortex6
Then, copy the content of directory ~/.ssh/ from a machine we have used in the past to connect to pc104 (e.g., icubsrv or chico2) to the pc104 itself. This will permit passwordless login sessions, necessary for yarprun and demos. On the other machines of the network which we use to connect to pc104 (e.g., chico2, cortex cluster) you might need to delete a line of your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file (the "offending line" which contains an old key -- follow the ssh error message and just delete that line). Now, passwordless logins to pc104 should be no problem from the other machines.
After the installation
Install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ cmake make cvs subversion ssh libace-dev libgsl0-dev
Additional RobotCub software
In /home/icub, do:
cvs -d vislab@cvs.robotcub.org:/cvsroot/robotcub co iCub
Enter iCub/ and do:
ccmake . c
Enable these modules only:
Type this from our homedir:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@yarp0.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/yarp0 login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@yarp0.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/yarp0 co -P yarp2 cd yarp2
Enter yarp2/conf and do:
cp ExternalModules.cmake.template ExternalModules.cmake
then write the following lines in ExternalModules.cmake:
SET(EXTERNAL_MODULES icub) SET(icub_DIR "/home/icub/iCub/src/modules")
ccmake .
In CMake, type 'c' and turn on the following modules:
Old setup (prior to 2009-05-21)
pc104 booted from a read-only memory.
after booting, it mounted a part of the hard-disk of icubsrv (the laptop, IP address
after that, it ran the scripts that are found in /exports/code-pc104/pc104/hooks. you can use those scripts for making some configuration permanent on pc104 and/or to run programs. they set up the yarp namespace, they start yarp run, configure the keys for passwordless log-ins, etc.