In June 2009, we installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server ('Hardy Heron') 64bit on the "1U Twin" server that is to be used as iCub Brain (hence the name). It includes a SC808T-980 1U chassis and two twin X7DWT serverboards. Each of the two boards hosts an Intel Xeon 8-core processor.
For full system specifications, go here (PDF) or on the entry on
Operating system installation
The chassis contains two separate machines, each one having two hard disk drive drawers. Next, we will explain how we configured the left part of the server, called icubbrain1. The settings for icubbrain2 will be just about the same, with the last octet of the IP address being 42 instead of 41.
We booted the Ubuntu Server CD from an external USB CD drive without problems. We then had to manually confirm the usage of a 'cdrom' module within the installation (following all the default selections).
Network interface
icubbrain1 has two Gbit interfaces. First we plugged an Ethernet cable into the first one (which turns on the "1" led in the chassis front). Then, when Ubuntu asked us to choose between eth0 and eth1, we picked up eth0.
We chose the 'Guided - use entire disk' option, which yielded the following:
size | mountpoint | filesystem |
133GB | / | ext3 |
5GB | swap |
Ubuntu installation parameters
- machine name: icubbrain1
- user name: icub
- software selection: OpenSSH
Operations after first boot
- choose Main server (rather than Portugal server, which is incomplete) as the software repository. We do this by removing all the "pt." strings from /etc/apt/sources.list
- sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
Other operations performed
Network configuration
- manually configured the internet connection (/etc/network/interfaces):
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway
- added the following lines to /etc/hosts, to enable running commands like: ping cortex1. pc104 icubsrv chico2 chico3 cortex1 cortex2 cortex3 cortex4 cortex5 icubbrain1 icubbrain2
Additional packages and environment variables
- Install some required packages:
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make cmake cvs subversion ssh libace-dev libgsl0-dev libncurses5-dev gfortran
- Create a file called ~/.bash_env (used by non-interactive sessions, namely commands launched via yarprun from another machine) containing these lines:
export ICUB_DIR=/home/icub/iCub export ICUB_ROOT=$ICUB_DIR export YARP_DIR=/home/icub/yarp2 export YARP_ROOT=$YARP_DIR export PATH=$PATH:$ICUB_DIR/bin export PATH=$PATH:$YARP_DIR/bin export ICUB_ROBOTNAME=iCubLisboa01 export IPOPT_DIR=/opt/Ipopt-3.5.4-linux-x86_64-gcc4.1.2 // which we manually copied in /opt
- Copy all that stuff at the bottom of ~/.bashrc, too:
cat ~/.bash_env >> ~/.bashrc
- Then, before the following line of /etc/bash.bashrc
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
add this:
# per-user environment variables (non-interactive and interactive mode) source $HOME/.bash_env
Additional RobotCub software
Ubuntu prepackaged version 1.0.0-4:
sudo apt-get install libcv1 libcvaux1 libcvaux-dev libcv-dev libhighgui1 libhighgui-dev opencv-doc python-opencv
iCub: downloading the repository
In /home/icub, do:
cvs -d co iCub
For now, don't compile iCub but start installing YARP instead. (This is the most general approach which always works. However, since this machine does not have special iCub hardware to be found by YARP, like in the case of the PC104, then in this case we could've probably compiled straight ahead.)
- Type this from the homedir (/home/icub):
cvs login cvs -z3 co -P yarp2 cd yarp2
- Proceed with the configuration and compilation:
ccmake .
Click 'c' when CMake starts, then enable:
Click 'c' again, then choose
Click 'c' a couple of times more, until nothing happens when you do it. Now hit 'g': generate and quit.
make make test sudo make install
iCub: compiling and installing
- Off we go:
cd /home/icub/iCub ccmake . c <-- whenever necessary
- Enable these modules:
BUILD_IN_ROOT <-- it is already ON, most likely
(I don't think we need more modules here. Right?)
- And finally:
g make sudo make install
Final configuration
yarp namespace /icub