ICub instructions
This article explains how to manage Chico for demos and experiments alike. We will describe the hardware setup that accompanies our iCub, how to turn things on and off, and how to run demos.
An older version of this article can be found at iCub demos/Archive and Innovation Days 2009.
The inventory consists of:
machine | notes | IP address, username |
Chico the robot (duh) | has a pc104 CPU in its head |, icub |
icubsrv Dell XPS M1330 laptop | don't worry about this machine, just keep it switched on. It contains a hard disk that gets mounted by Chico's CPU at boot time |, icub |
chico3 Tsunami 17" laptop | we will use this machine for YARP and all demo management |, icub |
Below Chico's table, from top to bottom we have:
what | notes |
Xantrex XFR 35-35 | thin power supply unit, to power pc104 and some motors. Voltage: 12.9, current: 05.0 or more |
Xantrex XFR 60-46 | thick power supply unit, to power most motors. Voltage: 48.0 (initially it is 0 - it changes when you turn the green motor switch), current: 10.0 or more |
APC UPS | uninterruptible power supply |
Note: the iCubBrain chassis, which contains two servers used for computation (icubbrain1 -, icubbrain2 - is normally in the ISR server room on the 6th floor as of Dec. 2009. However, it sits on top of the power supply units when we bring the iCub to external demos.
Switching on the robot
Hardware side
- Check that the UPS is on
- Turn on icubsrv (Dell XPS laptop)
- Turn on chico3 (Tsunami 17" laptop), the display machine that we will use to actually control the demos
- Turn on the Xantrex power supply units; make sure the voltage values are correct (see iCub_demos#Setup)
- Check that the two iCubBrain servers are on (if the demo is held at ISR then they are already on: ignore this step)
- Check that the red emergency button is unlocked
- Turn on the green switches behind Chico
- Safety hint: first turn on the pc104 CPU switch, wait for the CPU to be on, and only then switch the motors on
- Second safety hint, after turning on motors: wait for the four purple lights on each board to turn off and become two blue lights – at this point you can continue to the next steps
Software side
- Run from the chico3 desktop icon and start the needed YARP components (click here for detailed instructions). The summary is:
- First, always launch
with the 'Run' button in the Nameserver panel - Then, if your application employs machines other than chico3 itself, launch the necessary
listeners (usually on chico3, pc104, icubbrain1, icubbrain2)
- First, always launch
- If you need to use the motors, start iCubInterface on the pc104. Warning: make sure that the iCub is vertical before launching this software, otherwise the robot will first fall down (dangerous)
- Depending on which demo you want to execute, you will need to start other drivers such as cameras or facial expressions
Shutting off the robot
Software side
- Stop your demo software and the cameras with the respective application manager GUIs; do not stop
in the Cluster Manager yet - Go to the (yellow) pc104 iCubInterface shell window and stop the program hitting ctrl+c, just once. Chico will thus move its limbs and head to a "parking" position. (If things don't quit gracefully, hit ctrl+c more times and be ready to hold Chico's chest since the head may fall to the front.)
- Now, in the Cluster Manager GUI stop the instances of
, and finallyyarpserver
- Optionally, shut down the pc104 gracefully by typing this in the yellow pc104 shell window:
sudo shutdown -h now
Hardware side
- Turn off the two green switches. Pay attention when turning off the 'Motors' switch: if iCubInterface was not stopped properly in the previous steps, then be ready to hold the robot when turning that switch
- Turn off the Xantrex power supply units
- Turn off chico3 (Tsunami 17" laptop)
- If necessary, turn off icubsrv (Dell XPS laptop), other machines (such as portable servers during a demo outside ISR) and the UPS
Stopping the robot with the red emergency button
The emergency button, as the name suggests, is to be used for emergencies only. For example:
- When the robot is about to break something
- When some components make nasty noises that suggest they are going to break
Use this button with great care, as it cuts power to all motors and controllers abruptly! In particular, be ready to hold Chico from his chest, because the upper part of his body might fall upon losing power.
To start using the robot again, it is convenient to quit and restart all the software components and interfaces; refer to #Switching on the robot for that. Don't forget to unlock the red emergency button after an emergency, otherwise the program #iCubInterface will start but not move any joint.
Starting YARP components
See Cluster Management in VisLab for background information about this GUI (not important for most users).
- Click on the icon on the desktop and select 'Run in Terminal' (or 'Run' if you want to suppress the debug information terminal)
- You will see the following window, divided in two main components:
s (the former is a global, single-instance nameserver; the latter are various instances of network command listeners, one per each machine involved in the demos)
- In the yarpserver panel, click on the 'Run' button. The light above the 'Stop' button will become green.
- In the yarprun panel, choose the following four machines in the 'Select' column (chico3, pc104, icubbrain1, icubbrain2), then click 'Run Selected' and wait a bit so that all machines can turn on their green 'On' light.
- Note: the pc104 can be slow and, sometimes, unpredictable (if it doesn't find the
, you will need to write the following line into yarp conf: 40000
- Note: the pc104 can be slow and, sometimes, unpredictable (if it doesn't find the
Do all the selected machines have their 'On/Off' switch green by now? If so, proceed to the next step. If not, click on 'Check All' and see if we have a green light from the pc104 at this point. You should see something similar to this:
Other components
Many demos and programs assume that components such as cameras, the iCubInterface driver or the facial expression driver have been launched. Here is how to run these blocks.
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Double-click the icon on chico3 desktop and select 'Run'
- Run modules and connect
This program controls the motors and reads the inertial sensors. In practice, all demos assume that iCubInterface is already running in the background.
To start iCubInterface, check that the red emergency button is unlocked and click on the icon, running its modules. You should start at least the first module (iCubInterface, as shown in the following picture) and optionally the other modules, depending on your demo.
Wait for all boards to answer (which takes around 1 minute); after that, you are ready to move on.
There is a GUI application to interact with iCubInterface and command robot joints. Just invoke it from the display machine with:
Facial expression driver
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Double-click the EMOTIONS1 icon on chico3 desktop and select 'Run'
- Finally, run modules and connect. It should look similar to this:
Note that the actual expression device driver (the first module of the two listed) runs on the pc104. Sometimes, that process cannot be properly killed and restarted from the graphical interface; in the event of you needing to do that, you can either kill -9
its PID, or do a hard restart of the pc104.
Skin GUI
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Double-click the skinGuiRightArm icon on chico3 desktop and select 'Run'
- Finally, run modules and connect.
At this point, the driftPointGuiRight window should look like this:
and the iCubSkinGui window will display the fingertip/skin tactile sensors response:
See also:
Specific demos
Refer to iCub demos/Archive for older information such as starting demos from terminals.
Ball tracking and grasping (demoGrasp)
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Start iCubInterface and the Cartesian solvers through start modules and make connections.
- Run (not!) from the chico3 desktop icon; start modules and make connections.
- Run; start this module (iKinGazeCtrl) TODO: this should be launched in the step
- Optionally, start the facial expression driver (EMOTIONS1 icon)
- Finally, run the icon and use the Application Manager interface to start the modules and make the connections.
Note that this demo launches the left eye camera with special parameter values:
brightness 0 sharpness 0.5 white balance red 0.474 // you may need to lower this, depending on illumination white balance blue 0.648 hue 0.482 saturation 0.826 gamma 0.400 shutter 0.592 gain 0.305
Face tracker demo
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Make sure that iCubInterface is running on the pc104
- Run from the chico3 desktop icon; start modules and make connections
- Optionally, start the facial expression driver (EMOTIONS1 icon)
- Run (or the Left/Right Arm version) from the chico3 desktop icon; start modules and make connections
Yoga demo
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components. For this demo we only need
s are not necessary) - Make sure that iCubInterface is running on the pc104
- Click on the icon and run the module
Facial expression demo
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Start the facial expression driver (EMOTIONS1 icon)
- Select the EMOTIONS2 icon (Run in terminal); stop with ctrl+c
Force Control demo
- Make sure that basic YARP components are running: summarized Cluster Manager instructions are here; detailed instructions are in section #Starting YARP components
- Make sure that iCubInterface is running on the pc104
- Click on the icon, Run Modules, Connect
- Click on the icon, Run Module(s), use the Force Control GUI to select the desired modality
- More information available here: