Welcome to SocRob RESCUE wiki page. This page help to introduce all work developed.
List of appearances
- (Apr 2013) RAPOSA-NG and a Quadcopter were present in an exposition from FUTURING at Pavilhão do Conhecimento;
- (Apr 2013) RAPOSA-NG was present at Iberanime 2013 LX convention;
- (Mar 2013) RAPOSA-NG and a Quadcopter were present in the XIII Jornadas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores;
- (Mar 2012) RAPOSA-NG participated in Robocup German Open 2012, achieving 5th place and 2nd position at Best in Class: Mobility;
- (Mar 2012) RAPOSA-NG was present in the XII Jornadas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores;
- (Jan 2012) RAPOSA-NG appeared in magazine Exame Informática;
- (Dec 2011) RAPOSA-NG appeared in Exame Informática TV from SIC Notícias;
- (Oct 2011) RAPOSA-NG appeared in Jornal das 8 from TVI, showing his stair climbing capabilities;
- (Apr 2011) RAPOSA-NG appeared in Curto Circuito, an entertainment show directed to teenagers;
- (Mar 2011) RAPOSA-NG was present in the IST stand at "Futurália 2011": fair (FIL).
- (Mar 2011) RAPOSA-NG was present in the XI Jornadas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores;
- (Feb 2010) RAPOSA appeared in Falar Global, a news report on search and rescue robots;
- (Jan 2010) RAPOSA participated in a search and rescue trial in Lisbon, together with Regimento de Bombeiros Sapadores de Lisboa;
- (Jun 2009) News report in "Exame Informatica": ;
- (Jun 2009) RAPOSA was present in the ISR stand at Innovation Days 2009 fair (FIL);
- (November 2008) RAPOSA was present in the "Forum Ciência Viva": where autonomous stair climbing was demonstrated;
- (March 2008) RAPOSA was present in the VIII Jornadas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores;
- (August 2007) A joint team of ISR/IST and IDMind members participated in "Civilian European Land-Robot Trial (C-ELROB 2007)": event, having achieved the 6th place (in 12 teams) of the Urban Trial;
- (July 2007) RAPOSA was present in the Portugal Electronics and ITs (PorTI 2007) fair, collocated with the "Portuguese Presidency of the European Union":