Autonomous Systems resources
Bibliography for projects
on Monte Carlo Localization (MCL)
- Particle Filters for Mobile Robot Localization - Fox, Thrun, Burgard, Dellaert (2001)
- Particle Filter Tutorial for Mobile Robots - Ioannis Rekleiris (2002)
on Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
- FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem - Montemerlo, Thrun, Koller, Wegbreit (2002)
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Unknown Data Association Using FastSLAM - Montemerlo, Thrun (2003)
on multiagent pollutant monitoring
- A Society of Agents in Environmental Monitoring - Seco, Pinto-Ferreira, Correia (1998)
- Multiagents and Pollutant Monitoring - Seco, Pinto-Ferreira, Correia (1998)
for Pioneer P3-DX robots
- Operations manual: P3OpMan3.pdf
- MATLAB interface code: (check Robotics lab resources for further details)
- Python interface code: Pioneer.rar
- Scanned copy of a map of the 5th floor at the North Tower: piso5.pdf