How to install (and update) SuSE Linux

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The ISR mirrors the SuSE Linux distribution. To install it via the network, follow these steps:

  1. Browse and download the file named something-mini-installation.iso
  2. Burn a CD with it and boot the PC from that CD
  3. Follow the instructions on screen - don't forget to make sure the ethernet is working!
  4. When asked the source of installation, choose FTP with the IP, the directory is pub/suse/install/...


To update your SUSE installation, in a one-time configuration, use YaST.

  1. Open Yast by selecting System → YaST
  2. Enter your root password
  3. Choose Change Source of Installation
  4. Add the following (replace 9.2 by your distribution number):
    • Protocol=FTP ; Server ; Directory on Server=/pub/suse/i386/9.2
    • Protocol=FTP ; Server ; Directory on Server=/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_9.2/yast-source
  1. click Finish

Now, each time you want to update your system, choose either System Update or

  1. go to Install and Remove Software
  2. In Filter, choose Package Groups
  3. Scroll down to zzz All
  4. Choose Package → All in This List → Update if newer version available
  5. Click Accept

Finally, if you want to update the whole system, use the procedure described in the How to install Linux in my computer page.

(based on the information found at Novell)