Affordance imitation
This is the general architecture currently under development
Implemented by edisonSegmentation module in the iCub repository. Module that takes a raw RGB image as input and provides a segmented (labeled) image at the output, indicating possible objects or object parts present in the scene.
- /conf
- /rawimg:i
- /rawimg:o
- /labelimg:o
- /viewimg:o
Implemented by blobDescriptor module in the iCub repository. Module that receives a labeled image and the corresponding raw image and creates descriptors for each one of the identified objects.
- /conf
- /rawimag:i
- /labelimg:i
- /rawimg:o
- /viewimg:o
- /affdescriptor:o
- /trackerinit:o
Ports and communication
The interface between modules is under development. The current version (subject to changes as we refine it) is as follows:
- Behavior to AttentionSelection -> vocabs "on" / "off"
- Behavior to Query -> vocabs "on" / "off"
We should add some kind of context to the on command (imitation or learning being the very basic).
- Gaze Control -> Behavior: read the current head state/position
- Query to Behavior -> "end" / "q"
- Query to Effect Detector. The main objective of this port is to start the tracker at the object of interest. We need to send at least:
- position (x,y) within the image. 2 doubles.
- size (h,w). 2 doubles.
- color histogram. TBD.
- saturation parameters (max min). 2 int.
- intenity (max min). 2 int.
- Effect Detector to Query
- Camshiftplus format
- blobDescriptor -> query
- Affordance descriptor. Same format as camshiftplus
- tracker init data. histogram (could be different from affordance) + saturation + intensity
- query -> object segmentation
- vocab message: "do seg"
- object segmentation -> blob descriptor
- labelled image
- raw image