Navigation of an outdoor mobile robot in unknown terrains

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Dissertation proposal for Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores 2006

Supervisor: Prof. Rodrigo Ventura

Co-supervisor: Prof. Pedro Lima

Outdoors robot ATRV-Jr


The Rescue project running at the ISR encompasses the coordination of several mobile robots, terrestrial and aerial, in search and rescue scenarios. Provided that little information is known a priori in this kind of sceneries, the terrestrial robots should be able to navigate autonomously on unpredictable scenarios.


To develop a navigation module that is responsible for controlling a mobile terrestrial robot, from a point A to a point B, given in some coordinate space (GPS, for instance). The robot should be able to overcome difficulties posed by the terrain, including the ability to negotiate detours to avoid obstacles and/or hard terrains.


This proposal is targeted to Pioneer P3-AT robots. These robots are equipped with an onboard computer, a SICK laser range finder, and a GPS unit. The laser range finder allows the robot to have depth perception of the nearby obstacles and terrain, and the GPS provides absolute localization. Given this information, the robot plans a short-range trajectory in order to approximate it from a goal point in order to approach a global location B, given for instance in GPS coordinates.

This work fits in the context of robotics for search and rescue, involving the coordination of a team of robots. To be able to navigate autonomously is an essential basic skill. Moreover, the ability to deal with unknown terrains constitutes the major challenge here, as well as the main source of innovative research work.


Solid knowledge of robotics and probabilistic models. Proficiency with C/C++ languages as well as Linux operating system.

Expected result

A navigation module capable of fulfilling the objectives set above. One or more publications of the novelties of the work in international conferences.


ISR - Torre norte
