Vislab Robot Demos
We are looking for "Plug and Play" demos for the following Vislab Robots:
- Baltazar (is this easy to turn on?)
- Chico (the head only version)
- Chica (the head only version)
- Vizzy (the one and only)
- Chico2 (the full body version)
The idea is to have hassle free demos ready to run on demand. The final setup still needs to be thought out but I'm thinking of an independent USB pen per demo so that as soon as the robot is turned on with the pen plugged in, the demo starts to run. This model has been tested on the Chica/Chico/Vizzy and hopefully it will extend to Chico2 and maybe Baltazar. The main advantage is that people can keep upgrading/deleting/thrashing whatever software is installed on the main drives of these robots, but these demos will keep working. Further, since the demo is automatically started, no need for monitors, keyboards, mice to be connected. Ideally these will be as simple as making DARwIn Op play football.
At this point, without much thought, a few demo possibilities have been identified:
- [Chico/Chica] Ball Tracker
- [Chico2/Vizzy] Ball Tracker & Hand Reaching
- [Chico/Chica] Visual Attention from Jonas Ruesch
- [Vizzy] Human Kinematic mimicking from Duarte (Uses kinect and wiimote, might be hard to setup)
- [Chico/Chica] - inertial sensor demo (from 7 years ago)
- [Chico/Chica/Baltazar] - face tracking (from 7 years ago)
Please update this list (or send via email: with any show-off demos you might have seen running. I volunteer to take care of the linux/software part on the PENs, but I might require some input from the people who know how to setup each demo.