PID Configuration
Config files
The PID configuration files can be found in /iCub/app/iCubLisboa01/conf In the vizzy.ini file it is possible to check which ini files with the configuration of the PIDs are being used.
Current PID configuration
The PID configuration still needs to be finished and reviewed. The current values of the configuration have been found through trial and error method.
- The current configuration of the left arm elbow joint
Pid1 950 0 2 9000 9000 13 0 //Left Elbow Flection
The 950 value indicates the P value. This value was defined having into account the stiffness of the motor and how close it could reach the desired angle. The 0 value indicates the D value. This value was left as 0 because adding it made little diference in the final result. The 2 value indicates the I value. This value was chosen so that the arm would reach an angle close to the desired one and avoiding that it would oscillate too much.