Using the ball tracker with Vizzy
Running the ball tracker
Before running the ball tracker with the demo grasp, the vizzy cameras, the iKinGazeCtrl, and the |iKin Cartesian interface (if you want to use the robot arms), need to be running.
- Open an yarpview window with a port associated (in this case port /a):
yarpview /a
- Turn on the pf3dTracker to track the ball (substitute [pf3dTrackerConfigFile] with the name and path of the config file) :
pf3dTracker --from [pf3dTrackerConfigFile]
- Turn on the camCalib to calibrate the camera distortions (substitute [camCalibConfig] with the name and path of the config file) :
camCalib --from [camCalibConfig]
- Connect the camera ports with the calibrator and the tracker:
yarp connect /vizzy/cam/left /camCalib/in && yarp connect /camCalib/out /vizzy/pf3dTracker/videoIn && yarp connect /vizzy/pf3dTracker/videoOut /a
- On the demoGrasp build directory execute:
demoGraspManager_Vizzy_ISR --from ../../app/conf/vizzyConfig_noArms.ini
- Connect the demoGrasp with the tracker:
yarp connect /vizzy/pf3dTracker/dataOut /demoGraspManager_IIT_ISR/trackTarget:i