Camera issues
The code for the dragonfly2 camera device needed to be changed because of the following error:
vizzy@vizzyPC:~$ icubmoddev --device grabber --subdevice dragonfly2 --width 320 --height 240 --video_type 1 --white_balance 0.474 0.648 --gain 0.312 --shutter 0.592 --name /cam/left --brightness 0 --DR2 --stamp --d 0 --sharpness 0.5 --hue 0.48 --gamma 0.4 --saturation 0.826 --framerate 30 --verbose
Format = 1
LINE: 234
DragonflyDeviceDriver2: can't open camera
yarpdev: ***ERROR*** driver <dragonfly2> was found but could not open
yarpdev: ***ERROR*** driver <grabber> was found but could not open
== Options checked by device:
yarpdev: ***ERROR*** device not available.
+ Do "yarpdev --list" to see list of supported devices.
At the line 234 of the file:
The dc1394_iso_release_bandwidth(m_pCamera, BANDWIDTH_MAX);
function was called, which returned a -3 error.
After looking for the the function documentation (that can be found here), it was understood that the function is no longer supported (as can be seen here).
To fix the error the code lines 233 and 234 were commented:
//error=dc1394_iso_release_bandwidth(m_pCamera, BANDWIDTH_MAX); //if (manage(error)) { fprintf(stderr,"LINE: %d\n",__LINE__); return false; }