Intelligent Robots and Systems Group

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Active PhD members of the lab:


The IRS group has been involved in several financed projects, both European and national.

Current projects

Past projects

Other research

Current research is being conducted by IRS group members in these core areas:

PhD Theses

An overview of PhD theses (co-)supervised by IRS group members.


The following workshops had IRS group members on their organizing comitees.


Find here the IRS group repository of logos, presentation templates, photos of past events, conference proceedings, etc.

LARSyS Associate Laboratory

The Intelligent Robots and Systems group is part of the Institute for Systems and Robotics research unit of the Laboratory of Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science (LARSyS), and has actively participated in its research activities mainly within Theme B (Sustainable Urban Systems and Technologies).

Institutional Links

The scientific community organizes itself on interest groups and associations. The leading organizations on the scientific areas of IRS group, and with which IRS group members play an active role, in various degrees, are listed here:

Other Links


Public domain software developed at IRS group, in the context of research activities.

Educational open source software developed by IRS group staff for IST courses (mostly Python).

  • Bayes filtering in 1-D, including Discrete Bayes, Kalman filter, Particle filtering (Monte-Carlo), and occupancy grid mapping (inverse sensor model):
  • Solving Sudoku using plain backtrack search:
  • Pioneer DX3 robot interface software for MATLAB:


Scientific Activities for Youngsters

The IRS group has a long tradition on the dissemination of science and technology to youngsters, as the researchers of tomorrow are now among them.