How to create a personal web page

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First, you need an UNIX account at omni server. Assuming your account username is xpto, the URL of the page is There is also a automatic redirection from the alternative URL to the former one. But it is preferable to announce the former URL.

The files have to be stored in a directory named public_html at your home directory at the omni server. The default file used when the URL is browsed is index.html (e.g. the full path is /home/xpto/public_html/index.html).

The permissions are the trickiest part of the story:

  1. your home and public_html directories need at least eXecution permission for other users; i.e. this means d?????? - - x for your home directory
  2. your files within public_html need at least Read permission; i.e. d?????? r - -

Be careful, because some SSH software for Windows have the tendency to give default permissions to transfered files that disallow the above permissions. Therefore, if you get an error when browsing your page, check first the file permissions!

For further details, check this Crash course on UNIX file permissions.