RAPOSA procedures

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SVN repository access


- raposaInterface9Rays, SensorSetup and RaposaSubWidgets are the folders with the interface code
- raposa has the robot's code
- dock has the docking's module code
- template has the code for choose the reference area for orange and reference height for blue (at 1m)
- dummy is a offline testbed for docking module
- infra has the hole detection's module code
- raposa has the robot's code
- misc has some files needed 
   - raposa.reg needs to be added to the Registry 
   - Raposo-novo.wgp is the profile for the new gamepad
   - source files need to be used when compiling OpenCV

How to restore RAPOSA flash disk

Become root and follow these steps:

- Use fdisk to make the partition in ext2 type
- mk2efs -c -c -v /dev/sdb1 (checking bad blocks also)
- rsync -avn RaposaOS/ /media/disk (to test which files will go to flash)
- rsync -a RaposaOS/ /media/disk
- Run grub and type
  - device (hd0) /dev/sdb
  - root (hd0,0)
  - setup (hd0)

How to compile the console code under Visual Studio 2005

- Remove the option /Zl under Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->Command Line
- Change the function cvCreateTrackBar in otherlibs/highgui/window_32.cpp and otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h from OpenCV
- Change the function cvThreshold in cv/include/cv.h and cv/src/cvthresh.cpp from OpenCV

How to compile the robot code under VMware

Addition of new files:

- change Makefile.am
     add the new .cpp files to testeagentslot_SOURCES and SOURCES
     add the new .cpp and .h files to EXTRA_DIST
- run automake
- run am_edit
- run configure (with -fexceptions)
- run make

How to run new modules

- Run yarp server
- Run docking.exe 0 for offline mode or docking.exe 1 for online mode
- Run dummy.exe 'drive' 'folder_name'
- Run infra.exe for infrared module