VisLab calendar

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After you have been added to the VisLab calendar, you can access it online from the ISR webmail interface (, as shown here:

Managing the calendar from Thunderbird

This takes eight simple steps, as follows:

  1. Open Thunderbird, install the "Lightning" add-on and restart Thunderbird:
  2. In the browser, log in to the ISR webmail ( and open the calendar tab on the left. On the right side, find the "i" image on the calendar you want to use ("[alex] Vislab") and click on it. Copy the first URL from the window that will pop-up:
  3. Back to Thunderbird: open the calendar in the top right corner. Right click and add "New Calendar...":
  4. Choose "On the Network" option:
  5. Paste the link that you've previously copied from webmail to the "Location:" field:
  6. Log in using your webmail credentials, finish:
  7. Now you can open the calendar from the top right corner button and select the calendar you want to enable/disable from the right menu:
  8. (Optional) If you prefer a sidebar type layout, you can enable it on the bottom right corner:

Instructions provided by Ricardo Nunes