Temp 2010-11 iCub system update
To do
Update OS packages on Chico3
Run disk check on Chico3 (the OS wanted to do it since some time)
Upgrade OS release on Chico3, from 8.04 to 10.04
Update YARP on Chico3
Update iCub on Chico3
Update OS packages on iCubBrain 1
Upgrade OS release on iCubBrain 1 from 8.04.2 to 10.04
Reboot iCubBrain 1 to use new kernel (SHOWS ONLY ONE CORE, WHY?)
Update YARP on iCubBrain 1
Update iCub on iCubBrain 1
Update OS packages on iCubBrain 2
Upgrade OS release on iCubBrain 2 from 8.04.2 to 10.04.1
Reboot iCubBrain 2 to use new kernel
Update YARP on iCubBrain 2
Update iCub on iCubBrain 2, including IPOPT 3.9.0
Update OS packages on Cortex 1-5
Upgrade OS release on Cortex 1-5? current is 8.04.2
Restart each Cortex1-5
change settings for booting Cortex1-5 on the Cortex server, in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg. IT IS JUST SOME TIMING PROBLEM WITH THE MOUNTING OF HOME.
Update YARP on Cortex 1-5, for user icub
Update iCub on Cortex 1-5, for user icub
Update OS packages on Cortex 6
Upgrade OS release on Cortex 6? current is 8.04.2
Update YARP on Cortex 6, for user icub
Update iCub on Cortex 6, for user icub
icubsrv and pc104
Update OS packages on icubsrv
Update YARP on icubsrv, under the path /exports/code-pc104 and, if you will, the local 64bits version
Update iCub on icubsrv, under the path /exports/code-pc104 and, if you will, the local 64bits version
Check that the scripts that are mounted from icubsrv to pc104 still work
Once everything builds
Check that each demo works
Update iCubLisboa01 scripts (.xml and .sh) on chico3 in a clean way (no hardcoded paths, etc.)
Commit updated scripts to iCub repository iCubLisboa01 directory
Clean up (backup) unused stuff on iCubLisboa01 directory
In main/app/pf3dTracker/conf, we should end up having two files - pf3dTracker_iCubLisboa01_left.ini and pf3dTracker_iCubLisboa01_right.ini
Ask the Genoa guys if we should svn-move app/iCubLisboa01 to main/app/robots/iCubLisboa01
Helper commands
- Update packages
sudo aptitude
then click on u, U and g.
- Check which is the version of the OS that will be installed through an upgrade:
nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
- Start the upgrade:
sudo do-release-upgrade